RYC Creates Exposure for your City
city blog that adds value to other businesses that will be linked to by
other blogs and websites and tweeted
about and shared on Facebook and LinkedIn. This has the inevitable
result of putting your brand
in front of more people as well as the rest of the world. Allowing
advertisers the opportunity to be in front view of an audience that is
local to do business with them versus many states away.
RYC Increases Traffic and Subscribers
to RYC blogs will inevitably increase traffic and a well integrated
blog that links to the company websites around and in the city
and other corporate online properties will drive your page views and hits
as exposure increases. Increased
traffic also increases email and RSS subscriber acquisition putting you in front of our many followers and representers.
RYC Helps To Improves Search Rankings
other search engines are increasing the value and the priority of
blogs and social media assets
such as Facebook and Twitter in their search results. This change to
Google’s search algorithms alone
makes our blogging essential. So even for small businesses who are just
starting in their city, they will be able to take advantage of this
program as well.
Results In New Business Customers
increased visibility of your city online and its positioning as a
thought leader and expert in your state and niche attracts other customers that want to do business with you and become sponsors of your events if you have any as well.
RYC Generates Qualified Leads
quantities of leads looks good but what you really want are leads
that are qualified and of high quality. Our blog positions your city and attracts the right type of leads as
it develops and publishes content
for the market we want to attract.
RYC Reduces Your Overall Marketing Expenses
shown in the Hubspot survey, Represent Your City can reduce costs per lead by 62%
over traditional marketing

Improves Sales
synergy of higher traffic and increased lead quality inevitably
produces an increase in sales for our advertisers within and out your city. I certainly
have noticed this over the last 2 years with sales doubling and
average sales value increasing. So
if you have a product you may be selling or want to sell from your company or website, RYC can help with that as well.
RYC Helps Educates Customers
don’t sleep and the benefit of the web is that RYC can be
educating your customers while you
sleep. Put some YouTube video tutorials on our blog and we have an
online classroom representing your city and your company. One of the major
costs of business is educating clients prior to the sale so an online
property that educates one to many
without you being there is the perfect tool. No matter what line of business you are in.
On-line Research Tool
As we start writing and publishing to your city blog potential clients will
tell us what they like and don’t like
via their comments and feedback. Comments will display to us what is
resonating and will allow us
to adjust our blogs product and services direction that is
guided by real time customer feedback. Allowing us to forward that info to you as well.
10. RYC Provides Advertising Space
With a RYC blog that is getting traffic each city blog will be able to rent out ad space from Zone A-E.
Ranging from $350.00-$5,000 per month. Also areas for potential
sponsors who would like to get the exposure and sponsor events within the RYC Programs as well.
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